DSI Funding Opportunities

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DSI Ignite Grant Funding Scheme 2024

The Digital Sciences Initiative (DSI) is pleased to make a short-term funding call for the DSI Ignite Project Funds to boost collaborative activities. Successful proposals will be funded up to $20,000 for projects scoped for 6 months. This will be a fast-track project expected to be completed within 6 months, with all project expenditure to be completed before end of 2024. Project proposals must demonstrate interdisciplinary collaboration and comprise multidisciplinary teams.

Any academic staff member of the University can apply, but must include at least one member from another school or faculty.

Project timeline:

This funding call is now closed

Please reach out to dsi@sydney.edu.au for more information and access to forms.

  • Research Pilot Project (up to $75k) -​​These projects encourage staff to work together on research that will have significant societal impact and will nucleate new funding opportunities.
  • Seed Project (up to $35k) – The purpose of the DSI Seed Funding is to identify key digital challenges facing industry and to stand up teams of researchers to undertake fundamental and applied research focused on addressing these. 
    • Stage 1 (up to $5k domestic and $10k International) – This stage encourages staff to engage with industry on early-stage seed funding by facilitating meetings and workshops to consider industry led problem statements.
    • Stage 2 (up to $35k) – This stage supports staff through project funding to engage with industry to help our researchers develop an initial scoping or feasibility study. These projects will be expected to be completed over a 6-month period and will be funded up to $35k, with a maximum of $10k available to support equipment or consumables purchases and the balance available to employ a Research Associate, a student intern, technical staff or similar to help complete the work.
    • Stage 3 (up to $35k) – This stage provides external grant development support for the preparation of proposals or tenders for large scale collaborative funding opportunities.
  • DSI Vacation Research Internship – Provides opportunities for students interested in pursuing a PhD to engage in research internships as part of the Faculty of Engineering VRI (Vacation Research Internship) Program. More info on the current Summer Vacation round can be found here.
  • DSI Research Fellowships – This scheme is being finalised and aims to support strategic research and teaching activities across different DSI themes.
  • Philanthropy – We have been working with the Advancement Team to identify philanthropic opportunities with some exciting projects currently under development.
  • Tech Central Collaboration – Projects related to the Digital Sciences in partnership with UTS underpin the Digital Central strategy.
  • Other activities – Facilitating ad hoc collaboration meetings/workshops with our internal stakeholders to identify large-scale partners to lead major research schemes such as ARC Industrial Transformation Research Program and Training Centres, Centres of Excellence, Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), Defence schemes and more.