Dr Luping Zhou

  • Group:Digital health imaging

Dr Luping Zhou

Dr Luping Zhou works on the interface of medical image analysis, machine learning, and computer vision. She obtained her PhD from ANU and got her post-doctoral training in UNC at Chapel Hill for computational medical image analysis. She is now a Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA fellow in University of Sydney. A significant part of Luping’s research is image-based early diagnosis of mental disorders including the Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, and epilepsy, etc. She developed a set of AI algorithms that advance the state-of-the-art work in brain image analysis. Luping’s current research is focused on medical image analysis with statistical graphical models and deep learning. Her research cares for significant problems of both scientific and commercial interests, such as dose-less medical imaging, medical image synthesis, segmentation and classification, and automated medical report generation, etc. Luping’s research has been supported by ARC DP, ARC DECRA, and Microsoft AI for Accessibility grant, etc.