Australian Rocket Systems Training Network

Through nationwide collaboration, uniting expertise and leadership, we shape tomorrow’s workforce in defence and space

The Australian Rocket Systems Training Network (ARSTN) is a coordinating body of government, educational and industry organisations which aims to establish a world class training and education ecosystem in Australia in support of all aspects of rocketry and propulsion for the defence and space sectors. We aim for a sector-wide approach covering vocational, professional and research education as well as targeted training to upskill workers and provide experiential training and internships for students in tertiary institutions. ARSTN’s relationship with internationally recognised researchers and educators, access to world class laboratory and computational facilities, and proximity to the talent pool coming out of Australia’s numerous award-winning University rocketry teams are keys to our future success.

ARSTN was conceived in 2023 through a series of workshops to discuss education and training in propulsion and launch technologies to meet the Australian Government’s manufacturing ambitions related to the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise as well as ongoing commercial and government interests in access to space. These workshops were hosted by the University of Sydney and involved representation from the University of Queensland, Monash University, and RMIT, as well as representatives from Airforce, Navy, VET colleges, the Australian Space Agency, Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), Engineers Australia, Austrade, NSW Premier’s Department, State and Commonwealth Government departments, and more than 30 private and public companies.

The mission of the ARSTN is to foster the creation, development and maintenance of a tertiary educated workforce in skill sets and size that meets Defence and Civil requirements in rocket propulsion systems.

Our vision is a coordinated network of tertiary institutions that operates harmoniously to enable the efficient and effective education and training of personnel with the appropriate range of skills and in sufficient numbers to meet Australia’s needs in rocket propulsion systems.

  1. Solid propulsion motors
  2. Liquid, hybrids and novel propulsion systems
  3. Advanced manufacturing and materials
  4. Simulation, guidance, control and data-science
  5. Systems engineering
  6. Testing and evaluation
  7. Policy, sustainability, regulations and compliance
  1. Collaborative proposals for research and education funding, e.g. Australian Research Council ITRP, Cooperative Research Centres, CRC-Projects, Tenders, ASCA, US DoD, UK Ministry of Defence
  2. Input into undergraduate and Masters level coursework, professional development and micro-credentials
  3. Internship programs
  4. Grand challenge programs

Scheduling a minimum of two online events per year co-designed with network, addressing current and emerging topics of interest.

Further meetings and technical presentations as per community needs.

Be part of technical and policy working groups to establish best practice and advise the network and external stakeholders on the nation’s needs and how best to address these.

Our network provides state-of-the-art training programs designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed in rocketry, propulsion systems, and launch capabilities.

We foster collaboration between academia, Technical and Further Education (TAFE’s) and vocational training institutions, key bodies and organisations, defence and industry, ensuring that our programs align with the current and future needs of the defence and space sectors.

Recognising the overlapping requirements in space and defence, our training network serves as a dual-use platform, catering to the workforce demands of both sectors.

By joining our network, organisations will contribute to the development of a globally competitive workforce, positioning Australia as a leader in rocketry and propulsion technologies.

Providing a platform where members of the network can effectively share and showcase activities.

Joining the Australian Rocket Systems Training Network (ARSTN) is simple. Express your interest (link), and our team will guide you through the onboarding process. Together, let’s build a future-ready workforce and propel Australia to new heights.

There is no cost.

  • Engage with a dynamic ecosystem of organisations and individuals collaboratively tackling workforce skill requirements in a transformative and innovative manner.
  • Gain access to event invitations related to the Network.
  • Stay informed with technical updates through a minimum of two webinars annually.
  • Play a role in co-designing webinar topics to ensure relevance and value.
  • Network with fellow industry partners, government agencies, and Space and Defence departments dedicated to swiftly enhancing our workforce capabilities.

The ARSTN is a coordinating body consisting of government, educational, and industry organisations. It aims to establish a world-class training and education ecosystem in Australia to support all aspects of rocketry and propulsion for the defence and space sectors. It will actively link in with other National programs to reduce duplication and maximise the funds from industry and government to realise our ambitious vision.

ARSTN was conceived in 2023 through a series of workshops aimed at discussing education and training in propulsion and launch technologies. These workshops involved representation from universities, private and public companies, government departments, and other key stakeholders.

The vision of ARSTN is to see Australia excel in rocket manufacturing for defence and space applications. It aims to become a global hub for the design, testing, and evaluation of propulsion, launch, and rocket systems.

The technical focus areas include solid motors, liquid motors, hybrids, advanced manufacturing, guidance, simulation, systems engineering, design, test and evaluation, policy, sustainability, regulations, and compliance.

ARSTN engages in collaborative proposals for research and education funding, input into undergraduate and master’s level coursework, internship programs, and grand challenge programs.

Have questions or ready to join?

Contact us at or give us a call at 0439 070 977.

Key University Participants

  • Matthew Cleary, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Sydney
  • Vincent Wheatley, Professor, Co-Director of the Centre for Hypersonics, University of Queensland
  • Adrian Pudsey, A/Professor, DSTG Joint Chair in Supersonic Propulsion and Flight Technologies, RMIT
  • Daniel Edgington-Mitchell, A/Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University