The DSI retreat was held in Pyrmont on the 27th of Nov 2024 to consider the development of large grant bid submissions that DSI could potentially support in 2025. We welcomed over 55 attendees, including a good mix of academics from post-docs and mid-career researchers through to senior academics and members from the Research Support and Strategy team of the central Research Portfolio. We had participants from almost all faculties including Engineering, Business, FASS, Science, School of Law.
We began the day with a briefing from the Research Portfolio team on strategies leading to large centre bids and a panel discussion with academics and the Director of Research Strategy sharing their experience on the process of putting the large centre bid together, engagement with the industry and lessons learnt. Throughout the day we worked together to identify six research themes for prospective large centres in 2025.
The collaborative energy in the room was wonderful and the groups engaged productively in exploring new research themes. We received positive feedback about new connections being made and work has continued in developing new project opportunities. The ideas shared at the retreat will help shape our strategy for next year and we hope to shortlist a couple of these exciting opportunities to support in 2025.